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Grid Autosport announcement + Trailer

Grid Autosport

GRID Autosport announcement

Following the Grid teaser video released earlier this week, Codemasters just announced Grid Autosport and it becomes clear that with this release Codies are going back to the roots of the Grid game. Where the previous Grid game was partly styled on road going cars, this version will put its emphasis on the motorsport side of things. Codemasters stated that Grid Autosport is a result of the feedback they received from more traditional fans, wishing for a motorsport orientated racing game.

Sim Racers that are ready for a fun Simcade title will be delighted to hear that after the debacle on lack of a cockpit view in Grid 2, the return of the cockpit view in Grid Autosport is confirmed by the main Codemasters studio. The cockpit view will be available in two different choices. One with drivers hands, and one closer up to the window. You can expect open-wheel cars ranging from F3 to IndyCar, Touring cars and GT machinery, Endurance action and drift series, resembling the content selection of the original Grid title. Also, the campaign mode will look familiar to those who tried the previous Grid release. CodeMasters confirmed the PC as the main platform and is supposed to support 4K resolutions. At this time 22 motorsport locations (tracks) are confirmed, and most of them should be real world circuits. Taking all track layouts in account, Grid Autosport will feature a combined route list that totals over 100. As far as physics go we can quote the following. ” The handling will be more authentic to ensure that each car has its own personality across all disciplines.”


Grid Autosport


CodeMasters GRID Autosport will be released for the PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 as soon as the 27th of June 2014.  Some people might have noticed that the new generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles are missing from the supported hardware list. CodeMasters Clive Moody explained why to

“We’re working really hard on our next-gen Ego engine right now – and when we roll it out, we want it to be the best racing engine out there,” the producer said. “That takes time, and it’s not as if we haven’t been working on it for some time. It wasn’t really where wanted it to be, I don’t think, to produce what I would class as a truly competitive next-gen game coming out in the window we’re coming out.

“The second factor is when we were talking to our community, it was one of the first questions we asked them. What about next-gen? When are you planning to upgrade? And no-one in the room had any urgency to move on to those new consoles.”  ( EuroGamer Quote)

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