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Dave Kaemmer talks Nürburgring – Grand Prix Legends and iRacing

iRacing Nürburgring Nordschleife

Dave Kaemmer talks Nürburgring – Grand Prix Legends and iRacing

This Tuesday, iRacing will release the iconic Nurburgring Nordschleife track for their online racing service. From what we have seen so far, the laser scanned iRacing version has once more raised the bar on accuracy and visuals.

iRacing’s Co-founder and CEO Dave Kaemmer talks about how 20 years he first got interested in the Nurburgring, and how it inspired him to start work on the now famous Papyrus Design Group Grand Prix Legends simulator. When Dave explains how the virtual tracks were built back then, it becomes apparent that it always has been a work of passion.

This little interview once more shows us how far sim racing technology has progressed since the early days of the simple racing game. We can’t help but wonder how mindblowing Sim Racing will be 10 years from now.

The Nurburgring Gp circuit and Nordschleife content for iRacing will be available on December 8th.

Papyrus Design Group, Inc. was a computer game developer founded in 1987 by David Kaemmer and CEO Omar Khudari. We can safely say that together with Geoff Crammond’s Grand Prix series, David Kaemmer’s racing game creations where the foundation of the modern racing simulator.