Derek Speare Designs (DSD), based in Tampa Bay Florida introduces the DSD FX70 Bluetooth Formula Sim Racing Rim.
As with all DSD products, the FX70 Formula Rim highly focuses on price versus functionality and value.
The wirelessly connected 270mm diameter FX70 Bluetooth Formula Sim Racing Rim features a Solid Carbon Fiber front plate, fitted with 12 Push Buttons, 4 Push Button / Rotary Encoder combos, and 1 Six Position Rotary Switch. Furthermore, the wheel rim is fitted with 2 Magnetic Action Paddle Shifters.
The FX70 Rim utilises Bluetooth 4 technology to make a connection to the wheel mounted buttons and shifters. All data transfer is done via an optional Bluetooth 4 receiver. The DSD BT Module is manufactured entirely in-house at DSD.
- Solid Carbon Fiber Frame – The REAL Stuff
- 70mm Mounting Pattern (with 5mm screws)
- Bluetooth 4.0 Compatibility
- USB Charging; appx two days of use from battery power
- SLS 3d Printed grips and read shell assembly
- On/Off Power Switch
- 2 – Magnetic Action Paddle Shifters
- 12 – Push Buttons
- 4 – Push Button Rotary Encoders
- 1 – Six Position Rotary Switch
The DSD FX70 Bluetooth Formula Sim Racing Rim is available via the DSD webstore for 550.00 USD shipping included, or 585.00 USD International Shipping included.
fac_icon icon=’external-link’] Official Webpage – www.derekspearedesigns.com