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EC Sim Hardware – PRO Feel Pedal “Advance” ready for shipping.






EC Sim Hardware announced the first PRO Feel Pedal “Advance” unit is ready to be shipped to one of the customers.

The Pro Feel Pedal unit now comes with the F-Brake and Digital pressure transmitter.
The F-Brake is a Force Feedback braking system that will make it possible to actually feel when the brakes will be locking up.  The “F-Brake” Control Software Suite is sending and receiving wheel speed data and braking percentages data to the PRO Feel Pedal product FFB system reproducing an ultra realistic and sensitive feedback effects to enhance the immersion.

With the accurate internal pressure monitoring system, you will be able to set your maximum and minimum pedal pressure and monitor it in realtime, on a small but very very useful display.
The pedals retail for €1200 ($1604) + VAT

(Ed: Take note that at this time there seems to be little or no detailed technical data regarding this product, so specifications might be inaccurate, or due to change at any time)


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