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EKSIMRacing – SLIMax Manager version 3.4.2 preview

SLIMax Manager v3.4.2

EKSIMRacing – SLIMax Manager version 3.4.2 preview

Zappadoc of EKSIMRacing released V3.4.2 of the SLIMax Manager.

This update packs a load of improvements, and optimisations, such as supports for the new SIM RACE GT from SIM Display and All SLI family from LeoBodnar. Also, Fanatec’s latest CSW Base v2 is now supported, while features for the older Fanatec hardware have been improved.

3.4.2 Changelog:

  • added the support of the new SIM RACE GT from SIM Display
  • – Lap Data Analysis added, part of new Telemetry module (Rookie Edition) that can parses telemetry Lap Dump from the manager to display various graph line to get a better understanding of your laps. It can also compare 2 laps.
  • – Idle Event added to be able to display information when car is not on track. System or Remaining or Elapsed time or any other data available in game or simulation API can be displayed on left or central or right display panel of your usb device.
  • – Basic options wizard can now preview the basic settings on your device display including shiftlights, OSP, Pit Limiter methods, OSP factor, Brightness, etc.
  • – Codemasters F1 2014 and Papyrus NASCAR 2003 plugins included (now more than 50 titles supported)
  • – Cars database added to set the Steering Wheel Angle (max degree of rotation) dynamically for Fanatec, Thrustmaster and Logitech wheel
  • – improved and optimized many area of the software manager
  • – the BU0710 display device is now FREE and like the Fanatec and G27 Wheel no longer require a license
  • – a new powerful auto updater module (SLIMax Updater) added which will keep your installation up to date in one click!
  • – Cool! Find in setup added. Type your search and hit return key to find a parameter in setup. Red background means you reach the end of setup. Hit return again to find next or wrap around and start from the top.
  • – added history and auto-completion to Find In Setup function
  • – added “Start Lights”  behavior to have a led feedback during race start, this behavior depends the info supplied by the API and is supported in iRacing, rF1, rF2, Project CARS and all rF1  “clones” like Reiza Studio titles for example
  • – all setups device with MARSHALL and external Led (SIM RACE  GT, F1,DLX, PRO and SLI F1,PRO,M and EMUs) have been updated with function “LED_START_LIGHTS”
  • – the columns of Advanced Options are now resized accordingly to the size of the window (see the screenshot)
  • – delta time fixed and optimized to accept more partials (ie records)
  • – added a DELTA CLIPPING Feedback, an internal useful delta time checkup which warn you on Debug console when the number of partials set in General Options is too high and you are loosing records.
    REMINDER: the telemetry dump lap file must have the same number of partials (-1 as zero based) than the one set in General Options
  • – functions 129/130 added to get rFactor delta time without sectors, rFactor delta time with sector are 59/60, other simulation must use the other delta time functions
  • – 32 positions per panel is now allowed, rotary switch is limited to their 12 positions but you can use encoder to cycle through all 32 functions displayed on left or central or right panel of your display devices
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