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Empty Box about the iRacing Dynamic Track Surface Model

iRacing Dynamic Track Surface Model

Empty Box about the iRacing Dynamic Track Surface Model

One of the most interesting new features that were introduced in the latest iRacing build is without a doubt the new dynamic track feature.

In his own famous style, Empty Box performs a new 15 minute Talk & Drive session discussing the new iRacing dynamic track feature while testing it out on both road and oval circuits. With this new feature, the iRacing track surfaces will now dynamically evolve during a session based upon a set of parameters such as temperature, weather conditions and amount of rubber on and of the racing line.

This way, every contender on the track has an influence on the track condition because as a race progresses, the grip level of the tarmac will evolve dynamically and in real time. The track will be rubbered in based on the actions of the drivers, cars, and their tires.

Because the current release has no implemented visual rubber pickup on the tire, Empty Box performs a little test to see if it is worth trying to clean your tires during a race session.

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