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Empty Box reflects on the current Sim Racing Community

Empty Box reflects on the current Sim Racing Community

YouTubing and avid Sim Racer Empty Box reflects on his sim racing hobby years and shares his personal opinion regarding the current state of the Sim Racing Community. Empty Box has often been criticized for saying out loud what many of us think. It’s no different in his latest video.

While for most of us, sim racing is a hobby and therefore should be fun, but the real world does not always turn the way we want it to.  For the last few years, a small part of the sim racing community decided that they want to stay in a social group they seemingly hate. We all know there is a minority of fanboys, haters, and outright evil people out there who spend their days roaming forums and comment sections trying to convince the world that their personal preference in simulations is the only viable choice.

No problem so far, but it often escalates in bitter arguments, personal assaults, and the airing of extreme opinions in a rather macho style. As a webmaster, the last few years I have witnessed this extreme behavior first hand, in the comment sections of my very own website. Besides the occasional bashing of people, websites, developers and products, some so-called “Trolls” even take the time to personally mail me to vent their frustration while throwing in some name-calling. The same goes for game developers who are working hard to bring us the titles we should all enjoy but often get criticized or even suffer commercial damage by the practices of these certain individuals.

It is safe to say that sim racing has certainly changed over the years. Our hobby has become immensely popular and with the rise of eSports will continue to expand even more. That also means we have grown in numbers in both the positive and negative camp. Every sim has its strengths and weaknesses and so do the people that use it, and that often results in plain frustration.

But most importantly, let’s not forget the vast majority of users do not share the extreme opinions of the negative minority and are actually enjoying the abundance of available racing games and simulators out there.  For every idiot we have met, at least a dozen new friends have been made. People around the world who share our passion for sim racing and are always available for a good race and a nice chat.  All in all that makes it very worthwhile.

Let’s all fire up our favorite simulator and have some good old-fashioned fun… That’s honestly all there is to it.