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Euro Truck Simulator 2 – First DLC sneak peek.


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The first DLC  of Eurotruck Simulator 2 came a long way to be, as a polished product, as ETS 2 was. There are still quite a few bugs to fix, but SCS believe soon they will be able to tell you the release day.

SCS Quote:

Today we would like to share the first batch of shots of new countryside landmarks scenery with you, which soon you’d be able to experience yourselves.

As you may already know, the DLC will contain the rest of Poland, Slovakia and a part of Hungary including Budapest and Debrecen. We are trying to push more fidelity to the map: more objects, new objects, improved forests with larger density, to name a few, while improving game speed on average machines. Without further ado, check it out:

While developing the DLC, we realized that we were bumping the limits of our technology and tool chain. In order to be able to continue growing the map for this add-on and beyond, we had to do a huge rework of the map editing code and back-end. We divided the map into manageable separate sectors, instead having the map as a single chunk. 

For us, the huge upside of this enterprise us that once things click into place, we will be able to grow the map faster then before, with multiple people working on sections of the map in parallel. For map MODs potential, this effort is a start of a direction with really huge potential.

The downside was that we literally have to re-test the game from scratch, to catch all bugs appearing in the newly processed and stored map. Unfortunately, the implications of such deep change is that it takes us longer time to pull it off and come up with the planned game updates.



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