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Fanatec Universal Hub Discount

Fanatec Universal Hub

Fanatec Universal Hub  Fanatec Universal Hub

Fanatec Universal Hub Discount and new Beta Driver with Win10 support

Sim Racing Community members who are thinking about purchasing a Fanatec Universal Hub should take notice. Fanatec is now selling their Universal Hub for PlayStation and PC at a very interesting discount price.

Because the original Universal Hub will be replaced by the newer Universal Hub for Xbox One, Fanatec is dumping its entire stock of the original product. The discount sale will only last until the current inventory is sold out.

For purchase, check out the Fanatec Online Store.

Stock Sale Discount price:

  • EU: 299,95 -> 199,95
  • USA: 249,95 -> 169,95
  • AU: 329,95 ->224,95
  • J: 33.900 -> 22.900

The newer Xbox branded Fanatec Universal Hub has the same features as its predecessor and is fully compatible with PlayStation, PC and Xbox One. PC and PlayStation users can remove the Xbox button caps so that the unit will look exactly the same as the older PC version.

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