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Game Stock Car Extreme Austrian Ring previews + Build news

Game Stock Car Extreme

Game Stock Car Extreme

Game Stock Car Extreme Austrian Ring previews

Reiza Studios posted a set of game stock car extreme preview screenshots showing us the Austrian Ring (Red Bull Ring) circuit. The track will be released in two versions. The modern 2014 version, and a historic 1970s version back when the track was called the Österreichring. (Later on the track became known as the A1 Ring)

Game Stock Car Extreme  Game Stock Car Extreme

GSC Extreme v 1.20 will bring us the new F-Extreme & F-Vee open wheelers, and 3 new tracks. The two mentioned versions of the Austrian Ring, and the 2014 Buenos Aires circuit. Reiza also reports that the existing content has received a few updates. The graphics and physics of the V12 Formula have been updated, and can now be raced with a 12 team grid and 24 drivers.

Reiza mentioned that there where other cars that have received an update, but did not reveal details. On the track side of things the Reiza development team have been working on the foliage and overall detail. With these updates, the FPS had gone up while the micro stutters, that appeared in V1.15. have been eliminated. The exact release date is yet to be announced.

(I nice touch by the dev team is the #KeepFightingMichael livery for the GSC Extreme 2014 F1 to celebrate that Michael Shumacher finally came out of his coma.)

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Michael Schumacher