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gRally On Steam Greenlight

gRally On Steam Greenlight

In 2011 announced that they would start work on a scratch-build Rally simulation named gRally. This was good new for sim racing rally fans, because of the lack of a good rally Simulator besides RBR. The ever so popular Richard Burns Rally or RBR in short, has been the mother of all rally simulations for a long time.

After all these years, the title has become somewhat dated as far as graphics and technology are concerned. For this reason, lots of its fans were on the lookout for a replacement. There have been a few rally games released since then, but they never seemed to appeal the Rally Sim audience. Furthermore, there is a need for a better online multiplayer experience. This is where the gRally project originated.

After announcing gRally, things went quiet and it seemed that the project was canceled. In march of 2014, all of a sudden a few screenshots appeared on the web, indicating that the project was not yet put to sleep. Work on the project was picked up again, and an official website was launched.

Now the gRally team is taking their rally sim project to the next level, by listing themselves on the Steam Greenlight platform.  Once on Steam Greenlight, developers are able to submit information about their games, as well as early builds or beta versions, for consideration by users. Users can pledge support for these games, and Valve will help to make top-pledged games available on the Steam service.

To make it past the Steam Greenlight process gRally needs our help. Please support the gRally team by voting YES on their official Steam Greenlight page.

Current Facts:

  • gRally is not in a position to have official licenses at the moment and its starting point is a limited number of racing cars.
  • Considered its Indie character, gRally is modding-oriented. We developed integrated Unity tools that will facilitate the insertion of your creations, whether it be additional cars or tracks.
  • It has the same basic ideas of RBR-online, so expect exceptional doses of adrenaline during online sessions where one can compete against a host of players around the world.
  • gRally is abreast with all new gaming hardware: VR, TrackIR and multiscreen. It is possible to use the most popular brands of steering wheels and a vast number of home-made hardware devices.
  • gRally recreates the range of real rally conditions that drivers must face, including various type of surface and climate as well as different times of day and night.
  • It places much importance on the co driver’s role: as in a real rally, it will be possible to realize real recce to set down customized pace notes in order to achieve a higher degree of driving confidence and speed.
  • gRally is constantly evolving and has need of your support to improve ever more day by day.
  Official Webpage –