Hardware – GS-4 G-Seat is now on sale at SimXperience.

SimXperience announced a while ago that Pat Dotson, owner, and operator of UltraForce Simulations in Kokomo Indiana joint forces.

The SimXperience GS-4 G-Seat is now on sale at the SimXperience website.  Check it out here

The G-Seat is a full 6DOF motion feedback system for flight or racing simulation. Unlike other motion devices, the GS-4 can produce strong sustained motion feedback and can respond to all up/down, side-to-side, and forward/backward G-forces that occur in the simulation. Almost any motion cue you feel in a real car or plane can be conveyed by a SimXperience G-Seat

The G-Seat also includes a free copy of the SimXperience Commander Software (SimVibe Edition), allowing the racing simulator to provide physics-based tactile feedback (SimVbe), virtual dashboard features, virtual button box features, and the highly customizable SimXperience “Sim Setup” Buttons for organizing and launching simulation titles.

In the months to come the SimXperience 6DOF G-Seat is slated to be fully integrated with and controlled by the SimXperience Sim Commander software offering increased tunability of motion settings as well as support for several additional simulation titles. All future versions of the G-Seat will also be controlled by the Sim Commander software.

  • Bolt-on Motion Feedback System
  • Perfect for Racing and Flight Simulations
  • Mounts on existing simulator chassis and cockpits
  • USB-Ready Plug & Play
  • SimXperience Exclusive SimVibe Technology Compliments Motion With True Physics Based Vibratory / Tactile Feedback (software included)
  • Realtime customizable motion profiles can be custom-tuned to represent any vehicle with ease! (Soon to come)
  • Powerful Touchscreen Based Adjustments Available
  • Easily bolts to any SimXperience Stage Series Racing Simulator
  • Includes a mounted bass transducer (Powered by SimVibe!)


Check Out http://simxperience.com/