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Historx Team talks platform choice

A few days ago, the Historx team posted a set of screenshots and a video of their popular Historic GT & Touring cars mod running on the Asseto Corsa platform by Kunos Simulazioni. This made us think that the Historic GT & Touring cars mod conversion might be in development for Assetto Corsa.

The original rFactor mod was last updated on January 3rd 2013, when the Historx Team released v1.96. It can be said, that it is one of the most popular sim racing mods ever created. Therefore it was no surprise that the community got very exited with the news of a possible port to Assetto Corsa.

Yesterday, the HistorX Team explained their current thinking regarding the future release platforms of choice. At the moment the team tested 4 cars in Assetto Corsa, but explains that they already have a bigger number of car models implemented in rFactor 2, including a custom user interface . The Historx team reminds us that in their own word, we should not expect any form of release soon.

Historx Team Quote:

Hi there!

after the video and these few screenshots we posted last week a lot of discussion from the community has followed. We’re very happy to see the amazing support we still get, no matter if you think we’re going to release the next mod for rFactor2, Assetto Corsa or both. So, thanks for that!

Having said that please note we haven’t said we’re moving from rF2 to AC. We haven’t discarded choosing AC over rF2 either. At this point there’s no final decision about what platform we’re going to use. The thing is that it’s not an easy decision and as a team we need to agree on that (and about a lot of other things). It’s as simple as that 

We have 4 cars on AC now. In rF2 there’re way more (even a new working UI for this rF2 version was created back on 2012) but still nothing has been decided yet.

If you are familiar with our mod for rF1 you probably know that we don’t release anything unless we think we’ve reached the highest quality level we can get at that point. We say this to make clear that you’re not going to see anything coming from us any soon, no matter the sim you think about.

But to go back to what is important to clarify with this post: don’t worry.. no matter the chosen platform/s or the focus of our next project we’ll let you know with an official statement when the moment comes 

Thanks once more for your continuous support!

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