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Inside Sim Racing – Game StockCar 2013 Review.

Inside Sim Racing


With the news that Shaun Cole has left Inside Sim Racing, it has to be said that Darin is working hard to keep ISR going. This is the third video review this week.  Darin Gangi presents his review of Game Stock Car  2013 by Reiza Studios.   Official Webpage – 

After the initial 2011 release of the original title Reiza Studios released the 2013 update of their GSC project in November 2013.  Mainly based on the 2013 Brazilian Stock Car Series, the game also features additional content, as the Opala Stock Car, Formula cars, Karting and Classic F1 cars. A new feature in GSC2013 is the 24h time cycle, that makes it possible to have endurance races from dusk till dawn. all tracks are equipped with their actual night lightning.


Official Webpage –