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Introducing OZV8 modding project for GSC Extreme


Introducing OZV8 modding project for GSC Extreme

The team at (Sim Racing Australia) would like to officially announce their fictional take on the 2015 Australian ‘Supercars’ touring car series with their new, scratch built mod that will be coming to the Stock Car Extreme title free of charge to all very soon!

This work in progress mod is called ‘OZV8’ and it represents a first known attempt to complete a mod using partial funding from a simple crowd funding joint venture where SRA seeks to engage the wider sim racing communities support to assist them finish the mod to the exacting, high standards they have set.

SRA have a few exciting plans in place the development of this mod and would they would like to share them with you:

1.     The OZV8 mod will proudly feature Studio quality physics and sounds as developed by Reiza Studios for the OZV8 mod under full approval. This will ensure this mod is going to be the most realistic driving representation of any V8SC mod you have ever seen!

2.     Furthermore, SRA are contracting all developmental aspects of this mod out too skilled professional’s to ensure only the highest quality of workmanship is achieved.


And lastly, the team at SRA seek to engage you, the wider sim racing community too support them with assisting them with the completion of the mod via a simple crowd funding program that offers various bonuses and investor incentives:

1.     for you to get involved with the mod on the “ground floor” – Incentives such as custom liveries included in the mod for businesses (Pagnian Imports, SRH or the DSD styles of  companies for example), or on a personal level having the crowd funding supporters names feature on the race car side windows of the cars and so on. Some of these options are limited to ensure exclusivity so you would need to be fast!

Despite having a fictional name and fictional paint jobs (paint templates will be released later), all five cars will be accurate renditions of the Supercars 2015 manufacturer body styles, and, the OZV8 mod will also include the current range of GEN2 aero kits to match.


Owners of Stock Car Extreme (and other platforms) are now formally invited to get behind this ambitious project easily by visiting the projects crowd funding page located at and make a pledge.

OZV8 – Holding Commando

Official Webpage –