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Introducing The HPP Hydraulic PRX Series Sim Pedals

Introducing The HPP Hydraulic PRX Series Sim Pedals

Marc of HPP Simulation is proud to introduce the new high-quality PRX Series Simulator Pedal set for the racing simulator industry.

HPP has been working on this new pedal set for a while and is just about to start production of the units. In this video, Marc gives you a tour and explains the difference between the existing PHT and PRX models.  In comparison to the previous HPP pedal set, all components on the PRX series pedals are either new or optimized. HPP Simulation adapted to a new design approach subdividing the set into modular parts.

The PRX pedals are fully adjustable and incorporate a new system giving you total control of the pedal spacing. This way the overall pedal width can be kept to a minimum, making it fit in smaller simulators.  Furthermore, the pedal set is packed with loads of new features as explained in the video.

In a later stage, HPP Simulation will also introduce a “PRX Special Edition Series”.  We will keep you posted.

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