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iRacing Basic Training: Setting Goals – Chap. 5

iRacing Basic Training: Setting Goals

This is chapter 5 of the iRacing “Basic Training Series”.  If you followed the previous training session, you will have done your first race. This episode is all about setting goals for yourselves. As a rookie the most popular goal is to advance to an iRacing D licence as soon as possible. In essence this means that you will have to get your safety rating above a 3.0.  It’s not that hard to do, but keep in mind that while doing your first set of races, safety will be more important than your track position when you cross the finish line.

In the second part of the video your hast will help you understand the basics of iRating and the goals you could set to progress to the next license. A good goal would be to finish in the position you started in. Then again, finishing the race in one piece might even be a better one. Another major tip is to stick to one car until you mastered it. A common rookie error is to jump from one car into another. this will certainly slow down your progress, and will make it harder to get to know the feel of the car. The better you master a car, the more fun you will have with it. Whan you finish a race you will be rewarded with a iRating score. This score will get you into race splits, made up by drivers with a somewhat equal skill level. So the higher your score, the more experienced the drivers are you have to race against. This means that races will become cleaner, yet more challenging the more you progress.

In the next episode of the iRacing “Basic Training Series” Hosted and league races will be the topic.

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