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iRacing community contributes almost US$10000 to member’s medical bill

iRacing - Petit Le Mans

iRacing James Petty  iRacing community help

iRacing community contributes almost US$10000 to member’s medical bill

So often our online lives are plagued with negativity, doubt and even hatred, forums and blogs hounded by snarky behavior. This is not one of those stories my friends. I have witnessed over the past few days a community of gamers come together and unite for a common goal.

iRacing members were called to action by the wife of an avid player and painter of virtual cars,

Wendy Petty who begins, “Please forgive me, this is so embarrassing and he will kill me when he finds out but we are left with no other options.” She goes on to explain how her husband James has been battling tongue cancer on and off for 10 years and his short term disability company is now denying him compensation.

The post was made on Friday, October 9th at 3:56 AM and by 3:00 PM had reached the $3000.00 mark! Today the iRacing community and the Petty family have almost reached 10K on their Go Fund Me page.

James is overwhelmed with emotion as he writes in the forum.

“I can hardly open the forums here without getting chocked up. The iRacing community has been the most amazing…………I mean. I just…………Too hard right now. Too many emotions. Please give me a bit more time to gather myself. I am filled with Love and Humility because of you guys and gals and that’s all I can say at this time. Can’t see through my tears right now. I will respond of course to everyone and the threads the wife put up when I can.

More thanks than I could ever give.


For someone who calls everyone a friend and is always willing to help out, whether it be making video tutorials on how to paint or lending a new member a hand, you couldn’t ask for a better soul to help. And to see this community come together to the family’s aid is quite the inspiration indeed.

To read Wendy’s full story and to donate please visit

Guest post by Brantley Roden