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iRacing Day to Night Transitions In Development

iRacing Day to Night Transitions

iRacing Day to Night Transitions In Development

While iRacing feature wise might currently not be the best endurance platform out there, it does host the biggest and most successful virtual 24-hour race events in the business. While the system already contains features important for an endurance race such as dynamic track behavior, rubber build-up, driver swaps, night racing and more, a dynamic Day to Night Transition is still missing.

Early 2016, rumors of a Day to Night transition feature for the iRacing online racing service started to emerge. Back then, Executive Vice President and Executive Producer at, Steve Myers Tweeted that day/night transition would not happen until DX11 was fully implemented.

Now that time has come. iRacing published the first development preview of the iRacing Day to Night transitions.  Keep in mind that this work in progress video displays only a partial implementation with a focus on a clear day sky model. The iRacing development team is still working on volumetric clouds, dynamic exposure, and more.

At the time of writing, no official release schedule for the Day/Night transition feature has been confirmed. We will keep you posted when more news becomes available.

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