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iRacing – Join the 3rd Annual iRacing Video Contest.



Join the 3rd Annual iRacing Video Contest.

Make an exciting video about iRacing! Any style, any length. Just make sure it’s all about iRacing.
Not too many restrictions other than you must have the rights to any content included – music or video footage (you have our permission to use iRacing footage and the iRacing logo). Videos can be any length but we would prefer them around 2-3 minutes.
Videos need to be posted to YouTube and must be submitted via the form on a page to be listed later on by Friday June 1, 2012 at 23:59 GMT. iRacing staff will review all submissions and post the top submissions for you all to vote on which is the best. The creator of the top vote recipient will earn $500 in iRacing credits. Also, creators of the top videos selected by

iRacing staff will each receive $100 iRacing credits. Online voting will run from June 8th through June 15th with the winner being announced on June 19th.
Note that any video submitted may be used by iRacing for promotional purposes.
Good luck and happy editing!.



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