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iRacing – Linux Version Available. (not officially supported)


After the officially released OSX (MAC) version of iRacing, the development team had decided to make a set of Linux versions available to the public. 

Current members and/or new members may download the appropriate build for their version of Linux.
There is a Linux specific forum located in the Technical & Help Section of the forum.

Members that choose to run the Linux version may post any feedback, solutions, and/or suggestions there for the community. The Linux version of iRacing is not officially supported via iRacing Support at this time and is made available as is. iRacing is considering and alpha or test version. An active membership is required. 

RPM and DEB Linux packages should be installed through the user’s package manager. Dependencies should be resolved automatically, but older operating systems may run into trouble. 

The BIN installer should be run in the terminal, either as a user, or as root for a system-wide installation. Dependencies may have to be resolved manually. 64-bit Linux installations will require 32-bit 
dependencies. Sometimes cxdiag can help resolve missing dependencies: 

All Linux installations will require 3D-capable graphics drivers (nvidia proprietary, ATI proprietary, intel-dri). These should be provided by the distribution. 

iRacing Quote:

he new Mac OS X and Linux versions are expected to boost what are already some very impressive numbers for the service; numbers like 793,735,000 racing laps run, 50,000 members worldwide and some 350 private leagues.With nearly 40 different official series featuring more than two-dozen meticulously-modeled cars on 60 laser-scanned tracks and new cars, tracks and features in the pipeline the months ahead will see continue to do what it does best: get better and better.



Official Webpage – www.iRacing.Com