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IRSTV – Sim Racing Explained – Triple Screen Support

IRSTV - Sim Racing Explained - Triple Screen Support

IRSTV – Sim Racing Explained – Triple Screen Support

It is often obvious that the term “triple screen support” confuses some of the community members. Being able to run a game on three screens is not necessarily the same as running the game or simulator with true triple screen support.

While most titles can be run on a triple screen setup, not many race game/racing sim developers support a dedicated screen configuration system. When running a non-supported game on triples, the image will be rendered and stretched across the three screens. This results in badly stretched and distorted field of view. In order to have true triple screen support, the application will have to be able to render all three screens separately so that the field of view can be adjusted to mimic a non-distorted first person view and realistic sense of speed.

In this latest “Sim Racing Explained” episode, John Sabol of Inside Sim Racing explains the basics of proper triple screen support.

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