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Next Car Game Build #6 coming

Next Car Game

 Next Car Game Build #6  gravelpit_shot2

Next Car Game Build #6 coming

Bugbear Entertainment is almost ready to release build #6 of Next Car Game.

The big news is that from Build 6 on, Next Car game will feature online racing. The development team reports that the network code is ready for internal testing. They admit that in this stage of development, the code will still have its problems, but that its perfectly normal for a Work in progress. on the vehicle side of things, if all goes well, the new build will introduce a new car resembling a European Coupe. If there are issues whit the new car model, it might be pushed to Build #7. The included screenshots show you the car in pristine state. Due to the nature of the game, it will not always look that neat when entered in a demolition derby.

The development team is also hard at work on bringing you a few new tracks to race the Next Car Game machinery on. We will eventually see a new oval track, a Figure 8 track, and a new Gravel Pit track released. However, don’t expect these tracks in build #6. The new tracks still need lots of work before being release ready.

 Next Car Game Build #6   Next Car Game Build #6

Another small addition is the new automatic camera view for reversing. From now on you will not have to hold a key to see what is going on behind you. Further more the team reports working on a load of features and optimisations, but will inform us of these in a later stage.

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 Next Car Game Build #6   Next Car Game Build #6