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Niels Heusinkveld Q&A invite

Niels Heusinkveld Q&A

Niels Heusinkveld Q&A invite

Physics guru and engineer Niels Heusinkveld has become somewhat of a celebrity within the Sim Racing community.  While you might know Niels as the head physics creator of Reiza Studios, or as the engineer Heusinkveld Engineering Sim Racing hardware, or you just enjoy the Talk & Drive video sessions, chances are you have a question you want to ask.

Well, now here is your chance. You can post your question on the video comment section on Youtube. When enough questions are posted Niels will do a video answering the questions as good as possible.

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Heusinkveld Engineering is a Dutch company that offers a broad array of products and services to the real and virtual racing scene. From advanced vehicle simulation software to simulator hardware. Sim Racers might also know Niels as the main physics creator at Reiza Studios.

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