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Niels Heusinkveld Q&A: Part one of many

Niels Heusinkveld Q&A

Niels Heusinkveld Q&A: Part one of many

In the beginning of August Physics guru and engineer Niels Heusinkveld of Heusinkveld Engineering, invited the Sim Racing community to post questions for a future Q&A on his youtube channel. Niels promised to check them out and answer the most interesting ones in a video. So he does.

Here is part one of the Q&A. The community posted a huge number of questions. Therefore Niels decided to split them up into multiple videos. The first 2 parts will be ‘personal’ (education, jobs, history etc) orientated. Future parts will feature more sim-racing features.

Heusinkveld Engineering is a Dutch company that offers a broad array of products and services to the real and virtual racing scene. From advanced vehicle simulation software to simulator hardware. Sim Racers might also know Niels as the main physics creator at Reiza Studios.

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