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Project CARS 2 – LiveTrack 3.0 And More – Andy Tudor Presentation

Project CARS 2 LiveTrack 3.0 And More - Andy Tudor Presentation

Project CARS 2 – LiveTrack 3.0 And More – Andy Tudor Presentation

Back in February, PC-Gamer invited Slightly Mad Studios Creative Director Andy Tudor to their PC Gamer Weekender live event in London.

Andy took the stage and talked about the new features of Project Cars 2. One of the most anticipated features of the Project CARS sequel is the LiveTrack 3.0 technology. With this feature, the racing tracks will evolve over both the course of a season and the course of a race weekend. Andy reveals some of the details of LiveTrack 3.0 and explains how the dynamic nature of the track will make you race in a more strategic manner.

Interestingly, Andy Tudor told the audience that every single track in Project Cars 2 is laser scanned and photographed by drones. The captured photographs are later on stitched together bu use of the Photogrammetry system in order to acquire accurate visual data. (Photogrammetry is the science of making measurements from photographs, especially for recovering the exact positions of surface points.)

Furthermore, the 30-minute video shows us the enhanced Project Cars 2 tyre model which now features tyre deformation.  In order to faithfully model the tyre deformation, Slightly Mad Studios has received help from various tyre manufacturers.

Later on, Andy talks about the online and e-Sports parts of Pcars2. The Online Championships mode will allow us to set up our own league championships and provide us with tools to keep track of all the numbers. The e-Sports and online part of Pcars 2 will come with an arsenal of anti-idiot features that should, in theory, make online racing more enjoyable. All platforms will also feature the director/broadcaster functionality which enables a player to take the role of producer, while another player will be in charge of the streaming and commentating.

Last but not least, we learn that Project CARS 2 got hold of the official Indycar license, and will also introduce some new Motorsport series that were on the wishlist of the developer and many gamers out there.

Ow… before we forget to mention it. Project CARS 2 will feature proper triple screen support. Yihaaaaa.

Project CARS 2 the ‘ultimate driver journey’ will become available late 2017 for the PC, Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Steam OS. On the consoles, PCars 2 will be taking on the big boys of the console racing scene such as Forza Motorsport 7 and Gran Turismo Sport.

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