gtag('config', 'UA-27852028-1');

Project CARS – Build 382 Released.





A new weekly build of Slightly Mad Studios’ WMD-powered Project CARS title is out.
Build 382 for all members to enjoy.

Build 382 (11/1/13, Team Member+)



  • Derby: Repositioned objects so as not to intersect with fences
  • Derby: Repositioned red bins so as not to intersect with fences
  • Derby: New export containing wirefences and fence poles
  • Derby: New fence textures
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Added track to the game
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Renamed Solitude to correct name
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Tracklist name updated
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Track logos updated
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Changed the trd track name
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Deleted wrongly named track
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: New baisc AIW with main path, corridors, and 15 start spots
  • Solitude Rennstrecke: Updated TRD to fix naming and menu position. Also increased the Max AI to 15 to go with the new temp AIW from Doug
  • Azure Circuit: Duplicate object deleted
  • Azure Circuit: New textures addition
  • Azure Circuit: Added some more things to the nibox stuff, rails, gates and some more minor stuff+fix mapping where needed and added new textures. Started to create road markings, using as ref latest 2012 gp. Created needed textures, splines, lofting, mapping and conforming to the road surface
  • Azure Circuit: Added some more road markings, added latest MichalB works, tunnel
  • Milan: Add latest assets from JanP, add latest assets from TomT, fix tribunes position
  • Milan: Fix levitate trees
  • Milan: Add new textures for stands00_loda
  • Northampton: Some materials adjusted



  • Ford Capri Group 5: AI audio fix
  • Ford Capri Group 5: Fixed clipping doors
  • Ford Capri Group 5: Exported with chassis textures, fixed various issues
  • BMW M1: Fixed RCF typo
  • BMW M1: Added wheel variations
  • BMW M1: Added contest winning livery PSD files
  • BMW M1: Added contest winning liveries to the game
  • Asano LM11: Partial fix for broken suspension animation/floating tire bug


[EXPAND Click Here for full week update list.]

Build 381 (10/1/13, Senior Manager)


  • CMemoryPools parameter – const added (CMemoryPools* const)
  • Per participant memory pools selection implemented but bypased – using Game pool for all participants as before
  • Support for memory pools parameter pass through into renderer methods. Default value is used for pool parameters


  • Cloud wind speed now set at bigger increments. New cloud fogging setup
  • Shader added which is required for cloud fog


  • Azure circuit: Track map updated
  • Northampton: Vertexcolorugs fixed on some ground meshes, bug on gravel material fixed, slight optimization pass for ground meshes
  • Heusden: Tweaked and optimized lighting
  • Heusden: Added pitlane bariers, fences, road signs. added grass cover files [P4Utils.PerforceEdit v1.0.0.0]
  • Heusden: Pitlane, added missing barriers and tyres
  • Milan: Added marbles and leaves


  • Asano X4: Tire diameter matched to physics values. Part of a fix for the floating tire/broken suspension animations
  • Asano X4: Full fix for broken suspension animation and floating tires


Build 380 (9/1/13, Senior Manager)



* Fixed tech hang in setup save screens. Also fixes layout issues in setup slots screen


  • * General maintenance of files and some minor tweaks
  • – edited all wtc configs so that they use the correct menu settings now
  • – added colour cube keys for each condition.Currently just set to default but set up so that I can easily add more
  • – foggy condition near fog pulled closer
  • – window, street lights and AI headlights on constantly now in foggy, rainy, stormy and super storm
  • – light rain cloud changed for the more fluffy clouds from the med cloud setting. old light rain (with rain turned off) added as an alternate medium cloud (medium cloud 2)



  • * Heusden: Added bushes near pitlane
  • * Heusden: Added ground cover files
  • * Heusden: Addtional trackside dressing
  • * Northampton: Driveable materials converted to road dbv, wet surfaces add and dry-racingline added
  • * Northampton: New added dbv texturemaps
  • * Milan: Added latest assets. Added startlights. Polished assets (huts, mini walls, restrooms)


Build 379 (8/1/13, Manager+)


Bug Fixes:


  • * Replaced the previously crashing 200m brakemarker signs with the fixed re-exported ones


  • * Harrison Pike: Added 64 start spots, 32 pit spots, 64 garage spots. Updated pit lane path and corridors to new geometry since last AIW edits
  • * Test Track Hill Climb: Added race line (previously was just the main path) . Added corridor funneling edits to help turn 1 start
  • * Milan: Add  map and fences txt
  • * Milan: Slightly update txt and sharpen
  • * Milan: Update rail alpha txt
  • * Milan: Add small AO map for hut
  • * Milan: Update alpha textures for huts
  • * Milan: Startlights emmissives textures
  • * Northampton: Animated videoboard, dynamic object bug fix, track startlight fix, driveable ground material cleaned up and optimized/prepared to start with wet surface, tribune lights fix


Build 378 (7/1/13, Senior Manager)


  • * Removed old 200 meter brake marker which causes crashes due to expecting breakable parts which no longer exist
  • * Northampton: Added flying objects
  • * Northampton: Added skyrings, added tribune lights, fixed emmissive issues with transparency on old pitbuilding
  • * Milan: New textures


Project CARS – Build 382 Released.

Check out for more info –