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R3E ADAC GT Masters 2013 Single Player Race preview

R3E ADAC GT Masters 2013 Single Player Race preview

R3E ADAC GT Masters 2013 Single Player Race preview

RaceRoom have released a video preview of their RaceRoom Racing Experience ADAC GT Masters 2013 Pack that will be available soon. ( They estimate 2 weeks ) In this video we can view an ADAC GT Masters Single player race at the German Nürburgring circuit using different camera angles. It ones more becomes clear that the former Simbin Studios development team has put a lot of effort in the sound creation of this title. The sounds are top notch and the overall look of the simulator gets better and better with every preview released.

The development team also announced that the next update will include Multi-player (Alpha), a new Steering Wheel Force Feedback and updated track surfaces for better Feedback.

SimBin Studios got into financial trouble a few weeks ago. No real details about the situation of the Studio have been made public, but it is clear that the team is hard at work to continue the development of R3E under a new studio name.  It is reported that they will reveal a few more details about the new studio soon.

If you not yet acquainted with RaceRoom Racing Experience (R3E) , head over to the official website and register for this Free to Play title. The free download contains two circuits and five cars for you to try out. If you like what you see you can optionally expand the simulator with a quality selection of vehicles and tracks. Keep in mind that R3E is still a work in progress.

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