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Race Track Builder passed Steam’s Greenlight process.

Race Track Builder passed Steam’s Greenlight process.

Back in March of this year, Brendon Pywell who is the creator of the famed Bob’s Track Builder announced a new product named “Race Track Builder”.

RTB is an advanced track creation tool aimed at game developers. In his own words, Race Track Builder has been redesigned from the ground up to incorporate new technology and a new methodology that make creating race tracks even easier.

During May, Brendon decided he would try to bring the new application to the Steam Greenlight system in the hope of making it true the voting round. Today, Brandon is proud to announce that Race Track Builder passed Steam’s Greenlight process.

Brendon also announced that existing owners of the Bobs Track Builder application will continue to receive support during the development of Race Track Builder.

Hello Race Track Builders

Like I did with BTB, RTB will start off with just some basic features but, as I’ve mentioned in the Description, many more will be added and refined over time. My own document of one-liner-ideas stretches for several pages and no doubt you guys will have plenty of good advice for me too.

Initially export is intentionally to the FBX format so RTB can be utilised by many games. Obviously this restricts the audience as some people really want (understandably) the click-to-game feature of BTB. I’ve an open mind and expect that at some stage I’ll be adding direct export for some games – your support and input is valued!

As the videos show, this product is very close to release and I’m really excited to see what the race sim community will create with it.

Cheers for now and thanks again for all the messages and support,

Should be release Within the month! RTB requires DirectX 11. You may need Windows 8 (or later) – stay tuned.
Lately I’ve refined a few of the features, fixed a few bugs, made some structure changes and improved some of the textures, materials and cross-sections .

In the time between now and release I’ll be adding some more textures specific to racetracks, if anyone has created Their Own great textures and would like to share them in the first RTB release, let me know. The artistic side of me has expanded Lately but I can always use some help.

Anche I’ll be creating and releasing another video showing off the exciting new feature Which was recently added. More On That in the days before release (Although, hint hint, you have Already seen some of the results).

Race Track Builder Features:

RTB taps into Google Maps to retrieve images and height data resulting in accurate, beautiful looking landscapes on which you can lay your vision for the perfect race track. Add more detail to the terrain and RTB automatically retrieves height data from Google.

Whilst Google Maps can be used for the creation of the terrain, optionally you can create your own mountains using a number of in-built tools. Use the inbuilt materials, tap into a vast library of expansion packs, build your own textures.

The interface is now ultrafast with all calculations done using background threads. Even on tracks with a length of 50+ kilometers, changes to the track or terrain take milliseconds, and the detailed calculations are delegated to background tasks. No more waiting for the screen updates in order to make your next move.

Advanced features allow easy modification of the terrain, layout of the road, modification of cross-section and manipulation of materials. Make adjustments to the track, and the terrain is automatically adjusted in just seconds.

Rapid cross-section editing allows interesting, detailed sections of track to be created in just minutes. Make adjustments to camber, create bumps or ditches or explore the advance terrain hugging features for even finer control.

RTB goes to great lengths in order to blend road edges with the terrain. Materials are blended to form great looking transitions, angles are calculated for outside edge to consider the slope of the terrain and cross-section points are adjusted to account for the underlying terrain.

Whilst the initial world can begin with more than 1300 square kilometers, that’s no limitation. Terrain can expand as required to give more room for longer tracks or external scenery. If Google Maps is used, then extended terrain automatically retrieves height data.

RTB is a work in progress with loads more features in the pipeline. The best is yet to come.

Official Webpage –