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rFactor 2 Indianapolis Motor Speedway WIP video

rFactor 2

rFactor 2 Indianapolis Motor Speedway WIP

Image Space Incorporated posted a new video showing us the work in progress of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for rFactor 2.

The ISI track development team explains that originally they planned to release the Indianapolis Speedway in 2012 configuration, including the (now) old road-course and Indy 500 oval, by Memorial Weekend, 2014. The team suffered a little setback when it was announced that the real world track would undergo some changes. This forced the ISI track team to change their schedule, and while having the Indy track on hold, work on other items of the game.

The plan changed once more when the team was given access to the Speedway just after the new track surface had been laid down.  This way the dev team could have a detailed look at the new track layout. This initiated the start of the road-course development. After the winter, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was visited once more enabling them to gather more info about the new track surface and updates. With this new information, the development team decided to implement not the old, but the newly updated version of the road-course in rFactor 2.

Please note that all footage and images are work-in-progress and do not represent the final version and that there are a number of objects missing while other items still have a placeholder as a temporary substitute for items yet to be build. The IMS explained that the curbing would be painted blue and white in the near future, ands so the dev team decided to implement this already in the ISI rFactor 2 version. From this point on, any changes made to the real track will not make it to the virtual track at first release.

With the Inaugural Grand Prix of Indianapolis closing in, ISI is still planning to release the new Grand Prix, Indy 500 oval and old Formula One Grand Prix layout by the time the Indy 500 takes place later this month. If all goes well, we should see the Dallara DW12 released at the same day. ISI did not post any preview screenshots of the car, but you can have a sneak peek of it at the end of the video.

The rFactor 2 Indianapolis Motor Speedway track is only the first of a collection of American themed content, that will be released for rFactor2. It’s also reported that the Dallara DW12, Reynard 95i, March 86C,Eagle Mk4,Cooper T54 and Watson Roadster are licensed and will be ready for you to race in the near future.

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