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rFactor 2 previews of Circuit Zolder (by wgeuze & Tosh)

Circuit Zolder in the making

wgeuze & Tosh are working on a version of the Belgian Circuit Zolder track for rFactor 2.  Work seems to be shaping up nicely. It can be said that even though this project is still an early work in progress, it’s starting to look pretty good. The previews included show the progress of the start/finish straight , the pit lane, the Gilles Villeneuve and Jacky Ickx chicane’s and the VIP Tower,Race control center and main pit building.

wgueze explained that he is paying extra attention to the color palette to make the track look more  lifelike, and in these early previews the colors already seem to be better than what we are used to in rFactor 2.  As we speak wgeuze started work on the main walk bridge and grandstand while in the mean time Tosh is updating the main and pit path’s. The AIW now includes 10 garage boxes and its accompanying pit spots. 

Circuit Zolder, is a 4.011 km race track in Heusden-Zolder, Belgium.  The track is build in 1963, and hosted the Belgian Formula One Grand Prix between 1970s and 1980s before Spa Francorchamps took over the event. The track hosted numerous national and international races such as the FIA GT, WTCC, Supercar Challenge, V8Superstars, FIA Truck Grand Prix, Euro Boss, BRCC and many more. And lets not forget the annual 24 Hours of Zolder. Back in the 70’s and early 80’s the track was also part of the Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft including the now iconic Group 5 cars.  In 2006, the track was altered slightly to accommodate the Champ Car World Series Grand Prix it hosted in 2007.

Official Webpage –
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