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rFactor 2 – Quick Update [Tim Wheatley]



Tim Wheatley posted a quick update on who is working on what regarding the rFactor 2 development.
The update is accompanied by a screenshot of the licensed Silverstone  WIP.

  • We’ve been intending to release a core build for over a week, or two. Issues prevented. We are now testing Build 214 internally (some people like to know the number…). Thanks for your patience.
  • We’re testing older content (Palm Beach, for example) not yet released in component form. We’ve been testing the FISI 2012 and SLS safety car
  • in component form also.
  • Car guys are working on a BTCC car primarily (this doesn’t mean this alone).
  • Track guys are working on Silverstone mainly (this doesn’t mean this alone).
  • As far as licensing, there are some nice possibilities on both the car and track sides. We’ll be announcing two exciting high-profile licenses this month (track license acquired last year, car license signed this week). Both these pieces of content will most likely be high in priority for main production focus.




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