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rFactor 2 – The Benefits Of Partnering With Goodyear.

rFactor 2 and Goodyear Tyres

In racing simulators, tire physics and their behavior are recreated to closely resemble tire performance in the real world. This covers a lot of parameters such as temperature, grip, and wear. Therefore, simulation programmers tend to incorporate as much real-world data as possible when building their simulation algorithms, as the actual behavior of the simulated tyres will have a huge effect on the handling and with it the level of realism of the virtual car.

Studio 397 has published a nice writeup outlining their partnership with renowned tyre manufacturer Goodyear, and how the collaboration results in better virtual tyre modeling capabilities in rFactor 2.

Official Webpage – – The rFactor 2 Racing Simulator is available via Steam for €29,99.

Studio 397 Quote:

As a leading motorsport simulation product, rFactor 2 has to dig deeply into the advanced world of automotive physics in order to accurately portray many varied characteristics of real-world driving and racing dynamics. In order to recreate real-world behaviors in a simulation environment, the rFactor 2 software has to undertake a mind-boggling array of calculations from many varied aspects of the car, road surface, ambient conditions, and more in order to present a precise and accurate experience to the end user. 

Of these multiple calculations and dependencies undertaken at any given time, one of the key areas to ensuring a robust driving experience comes from the way the physics engineers at Studio 397 interpret tyre data and behavior characteristics within the simulation. More than simply bolting a standard set of behaviors onto the tyres within the simulation across the full spectrum of cars, each set of tyres has been tailor-made to match their real-world counterparts, both in terms of behavior, but also construction, interaction with the car and surface, and of course how tyres react throughout a range of different potential situations and stress factors on track. 

rFactor Goodyear collaboration

To help the physics team at Studio 397 understand the very deep and complex construction and reactions of racing tyres, the team has recently struck up an enhanced partnership with the world-famous tyre manufacturer, Goodyear. Working in close partnership as Goodyear seeks to expand their own virtual tyre modeling capabilities, Studio 397 have benefitted from an exceptional collaboration and sharing of data and insight of late, data that has gone some way towards rFactor 2 yet further enhancing the already advanced tyre model within the simulation. 

In this new insight video, we took the opportunity to sit down with Tony Ward, Motorsport Marketing Manager EMEA of Goodyear tyres, to discuss how things work with this new partnership and how Goodyear and pushing the team at Studio 397 to make it even better and more detailed tyre model calculations going forward. 

rFactor 2 continues to strive forward with our intentions to enhance the detail, usability, and visual fidelity of the simulation in the weeks, months, and years ahead. This close partnership with Goodyear is another major milestone in our development intentions, and already the benefits of this early collaboration are bearing fruit with our latest tyre model iteration – one that will continue to be enhanced and refined within rFactor 2 as we further progress with the rFactor 2 title moving forwards.

As such an important aspect of how a car engages with the racing surface, tyres are something that provides a critical impact on the overall driving experience – and working together with Goodyear, Studio 397 is presented with a fantastic opportunity to uplift the racing experience for all our players – one we cannot wait for you to fully experience out on the track!