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rFactor – Tsukuba and Spa-Franchorchamps track WIP. [Macci-Design]



After enjoying the Gran Turismo 4 version Macci Design started work on the Tsukuba circuit version for rFactor.

First they idea was to update the existing rFactor versions, but later on maximiliano decided to start his own scratsh build version.
January 2013 he started with the design of the track, his line, curbs and other parts using data from Google StreetView.

After having to pause the development to focus on university he is now continuing the development of the track. 


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Next to the Tsukuba track, Macci-Design has another project up his sleeves. The Belgian Spa-Francorchamps track.
For his F1 League his decided to completely overhaul the existing GTR2 version of the track. Macci-Design posted some early previews of his work .

 [AFG_gallery id=’398′]


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