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SimBin licences Bathurst – Mount Panorama circuit.


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SimBin licences Bathurst – Mount Panorama circuit.

SimBin Quote: Time to stop the teasing… well for this particular subject at least and finally tell you guys what some of you already have guessed after seeing the other images.

When we started this project we decided that we should try and get certain tracks in the game, tracks we love to see racing on, known or unknown, modern or classic, circuits we have never done before, and we would really like to do.

So we set our goals out to get these track in, and we are very proud to tell you guys that we have licensed the Bathurst – Mount Panorama circuit .
On that subject we called the community and within days we had negotiated the terms, signed the contracts and were ready to go. It is not a lie, Australians are easy to work with!

Opened in 1938 but today reckognized as one of the best known racing tracks on this planet. With 6 kilomter in length it indeed is a small bit of motorsport heaven.

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