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SimRacingGirl Goes Fanatec

SimRacingGirl Goes Fanatec

SimRacingGirl Goes Fanatec

We have said it before and say it again. SimRacingGirl is going places. The last 12 months must have been a rollercoaster ride for our friendly Belgian Sim Racing Girl. In a relatively short timespan, she became a very popular face in the sim racing scene, and that did not go unnoticed in the sim racing industry.

During the last year, SimRacingGirl had received some very interesting job and partnering offers from some of the established sim racing brands. Up and till now, she had always declined the offers as they were not easy to combine with her full-time job. But now…The Times They are a Changing. We will let SimRacingGirl bring you the news herself.

Bsimracing whishes SimRacingGirl all the best in her new sim racing adventure. A well-deserved opportunity indeed.

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