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SimXperience SimVibe In Depth Setup and Configuration

SimXperience SimVibe In Depth Setup and Configuration

SimXperience SimVibe In Depth Setup and Configuration

Those who might think that a device such as the famous Buttkicker, is nothing more than a game enhancer that only shakes and rumbles based on gaming audio, should check out the following.  Bass transducers can greatly enhance your sim racing experience. However, you do not just want the system to rumble and shake while driving your favorite racing simulator. In a perfect world, you will want to feel the feedback based upon the physics of your sim session. There is no such thing as a perfect world, but you might get pretty close when using the right tools for the job.

When it comes to tactile feedback software, nothing beats the innovating SimXperience SimVibe software which is part of the Sim Commander software suite. SimXperience’s Darin Gangi published a new in-depth tutorial video on how to set up and configure the SimVibe software.

SimXperience SimVibe is an advanced, multi-dimensional audio-based feedback software (for racing simulators and cockpits) that utilizes one to eight bass transducers (ButtKickers, Bass Shakers, etc..) to provide the correct physics based vibrations at each corner of your simulator and throughout the simulator.

This greatly enhances immersion and drivability. It’s a great companion to our already immersive motion simulators but can be applied to motionless cockpits as well. Using SimVibe, you will feel every available detail of the road surface, engine and transmission in the correct placement on your simulator via 3D spatial vibrations and reverberations.

If you’re not familiar with SimVibe, or you want to purchase the SimXperience SimVibe software ($89.00), check out the official SimXperience Website.

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