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SpinTires Engine Damage Preview

SpinTires Engine Damage Preview

SpinTires Engine Damage Preview video

Oovee Game Studios uploaded a new video showing us the progress on the SpinTires engine damage visual effects. While trying to reach your destination crawling trough mud, water and harsh terrain, keeping the engine in one piece might determine the outcome of your mission. If you damage your engine, the visuals that go with it, already look pretty awesome. Oovee Game Studios is still improving both physical and graphical engine damage features.

SpinTires is an advanced off-road transport simulation that will be released on 13th June 2014. When interested, you can already Preorder the game here.  A Steam key is included in every pre-order!

In this Kickstarter funded off-road game, players will have the opportunity to sit behind the steering wheel of different Soviet vehicles, completing missions focused around the delivery of a log cargo, to the point of their destination. The game will take place in a scenery of a typical Russian wilderness from late 80’s . While we call it a game, SpinTires does realistically simulates driving an off-road truck in various conditions. The game does support modding. Check out some of the communities created mods here.

SpinTires Features:

  • Magnificent wilderness open for exploration
  • Realistic mud and water effects
  • Advanced simulation of suspension action on all kinds of terrain
  • Several vehicle classes – from light 4×4 cars to 8×8 monsters
  • A day-night cycle
  • Challenging transport missions
  • Operational, user-controlled loading crane
  • Realistic winch use
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