Back in May, I reported about the making of the Sim Racing-themed feature film “The Sim Racer” by producer/director Brock Drury. Today the production team released the official trailer.
Brock who is a U.S. state of Georgia resident, and long-term sim racer, graduated from Valdosta State University with a degree in Mass Media. When in July of 2020 the ongoing global pandemic forced Brock to work from home, the situation granted him some extra time to write a feature-length script.
Having written short film scripts in the past, Brock had some experience, nevertheless, this big project was somewhat of a challenge. In search of an interesting storyline, Brock selected his 15 years long Sim Racing passion as a topic for his screenplay and decided that the movie would be titled ” The Sim Racer”.
He started the tedious process of outlining the movie scene by scene. Once the outline was ready, it was time to write dialogue. The rough draft was ready by October 2020. Brock’s initial idea was to come up with a creative scriptment and grant the actors the opportunity to improvise while filming. Later on, and after some hard work, the dialogue elements were refined as a baseline for a legitimate screenplay.
Actor Roman Boylen who was cast as Luke Wallace in the movie helped out molding the script into the final result. Brock Drury ended up rewriting the script 12 times, adding new characters, featuring different locations, and overall finetuning the cinematics. The team finished filming in March of this year, and the movie is now in post-production.
The end result will be a 90 minutes long Comedy/Drama production. The story revolves around the fictional Sim Racer character Luke Wallace who finds out his house is in danger of being foreclosed unless he pays the bank $9600. In an attempt to save his house, Luke enters a big Sim Racing event that pays out $20000 of price money.
Directed By: Brock Drury
Cast: Roman Boylen, Chris Wolfe, Scott Oakley, Eli Jo, Bradley Harrelson, Rebecca Clendaniel, Josh Rouse
If all goes as planned, the film will be released somewhere during 2022. To keep up to date with the latest “The Sim Racer” developments, and the release schedule, you can follow the official social media channels.
Official Webpage –