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TrackDayR – Hotfix Update v1.0.80.02 Deployed – 1000PRO Bike Added

 TrackDayR Early Access
TrackDayR - Hotfix Update v1.0.80.02

TrackDayR, formerly known as the Bike Sim Experience project, is an upcoming Motorbike racing title in development by Italian developer MadCow.

They have now deployed a new update upgrading the gaming engine to Unity 2021 and adding a 1000cc racing bike to the content. Needless to say, the update also includes a number of fixes and features. Check out the changelog below for more details.

The Early Access version of TrackDayR is available via Steam for €19,99.

Official Webpage –



  • Upgrade to Unity 2021
  • Tracklimit warning on the last sector invalidate next lap
  • Add Vsync toggle on options
  • Add Music toggle on options
  • Remove Tracklimit warning on the last sector invalidate next lap
  • Physics
  • Add anti stoppie from high speed
  • new splash loader


  • Add 1000PRO


  • Change rider linearity
  • Change in air wheel inertia calculation
  • Change SS1000Pro bike ini #inertia
  • Fix dynamic frontload dmpering
  • Improved airdrag resistance
  • Change all bikes ini #inertia
  • Add Realtime Telemetry (Advanced)
  • New Body collider for all bikes
  • Adding EB map to ECU


  • TimeAttackR error selecting 1000
  • fix raising bike
  • fix bike deceleration after crash
  • fix avatar raise animation
  • Missing auto Synctransform
  • The rider in some cases is suspended in the air


  • New avatar collision system


  • Fix startpoint timeattack on modded track
TrackDayR Roadmap Content