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The world of Sim Racing meets up. The right way.




Aristotelis Vasilakos, Jay Ekkel, Alex Hummler, Thomas Jackermeier, Alexander Loodin Ek, Georg Ortner and Marco Massarutto at the Nürburgring.

The world of SimRacing meets up. The right way.


At the 2012 edition of the 24h of the Nurburgring, some of the company’s we all learned to love, had set up their upcoming products in the VIP lounges of the track, to show their new jewels in progress to the racing world.

Despite what most might expect, the competition between rival company´s seems to be a very healthy and rather friendly one. 

This is a superb example of how communication can work, and how in the end of the day, the Sim Racing fan will benefit when products are build with passion and a healthy communication in what became an industry.

Kudos to all involved.


Simbin Quote:

Visiting Kunos.

We heard that we were not the only ones present at the Nurburgring, showing our new games to people, while we were showing behind very closed doors, Kunos was showing to everyone that wanted to have a go (and had access to the VIP Lounges). Luckily we had access and with knowing Aris from the good old days we reckoned we try our luck and pay their lounge a visit.

And we got double lucky, Glickenhaus was celebrating their awesome race result and Marco and Aris were very happy we came to visit them.

After some long talks and discussions about our philosophy, approaches and many other subjects of live we of course had a go in the simulator. We also used their simulator to give them a taste of sounds engine, Marco started waving his hands and speaking like a true italian, so I guess we have his approval!

Kudos to Kunos, we thoroughly enjoyed our test drive! They are making good progress with their project and we cant wait to give it a go once it has been released!

Kunos, thanks for your hospitality and thanks for the healthy, interesting and friendly discussion! As discussed next time we shall have a battle to find out who is fastest, either in real life or on a simulator…We shall meet again! 



Kunos Simulizatione Quote:

What a great surprise! The Simbin team on tour at the 24 hours of nurburgring paid us a visit and had a go on Assetto Corsa. They also showed us some of their impressive future work, very high quality. 

The most important thing? Being able to talk face to face with fellow developers that share the same passion for simracing. Happy faces everywhere and totally relaxed atmosphere.

Thank you for visiting us guys and looking forward for the next "duel" either virtual or real, cheers!



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